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蔡振凱(Jenn-Kai Tsai)老師

蔡振凱教授(Jenn-Kai Tsai)



  •  職       稱:教授
  •  最高學歷:國立中山大學物理研究所博士
  •  聯絡電話:05-6315518
  •  傳真電話:05-6315643
  •  電子郵件



  •  現       職:國立虎尾科技大學 電子工程系 教授 (2018/02~迄今)
  •  經       歷:國立虎尾科技大學進修推廣部主任 (2015/08~2021/07)

國立虎尾科技大學 電子工程系 副教授 (2014/02~2018/02)

國立虎尾科技大學 電子工程系 助理教授 (2008/08~2014/02)

國立虎尾科技大學 校務發展中心 代主任(2009/08~2010/05)

國立虎尾科技大學 校務發展中心 計畫研考組組長 (2008/02~2009/07)

國立虎尾科技大學 通識教育中心 助理教授 (2007/08~2008/07)

東方技術學院 電子與資訊系 助理教授 (2006/08~2007/07)



  •  次世代太陽能電池研發
  •  太陽光電系統設置
  •  自動控制與量測系統開發
  •  半導體物理



  •  科 技 部:
  1. 科普活動:112年戀戀台17-雲嘉南沿海偏鄉科學普及推廣活動(主題四) (2023.8.1~2024.7.31)
  2. 多功能之綠色能源轉換與儲存學習套件箱(2022.8.1~2023.7.31)
  3. 科普活動:111年戀戀台17-雲嘉南沿海偏鄉科學普及推廣活動(主題三) (2022.8.1~2023.7.31)
  4. 靜電與高壓電實驗套件箱之研發(2021.8.1~2022.7.31)
  5. 科普活動:110年戀戀台17—雲嘉南沿海偏鄉科學普及推廣活動(主題三) (2021.8.1~2022.7.31)
  6. 3D擴增實境技術應用於電磁感應科學實驗學習套件箱教學模組開發(2020.8.1~2021.7.31)
  7. 通訊技術基礎科學實驗學習套件箱的研發 (2019.8.1~2020.7.31)
  8. 科普活動:戀戀台17-雲嘉南沿海偏鄉科學普及推廣活動(主題一) (2019.7.1~2020.6.30)
  9. 科學探索館融入高、國中理化與生活科技創客課程之開發與推廣(虎尾高中)-子計畫三:設計與評課程之鑑(3/3) (2018.9.1~2019.7.31)
  10. 科普活動:戀戀台17—雲嘉南沿海偏鄉科學普及推廣活動(主題一) (2018.7.1~2019.8.31)
  11. 科學探索館融入高、國中理化與生活科技創客課程之開發與推廣(虎尾高中)-子計畫三:課程之設計與評鑑(2/3)(2017.10.1~2018.8.31)
  12. 科學探索館融入高、國中理化與生活科技創客課程之開發與推廣(虎尾高中)-子計畫三:課程之設計與評鑑(1/3)(2016.11.1~2017.9.30)
  13. 應用於物聯網之新穎氧化物奈米光電元件之開發-子計畫四:奈米氧化物氣體感測元件與低功率電源整合電路之開發 (2016.8.1~2017.7.31)
  14. 電磁感應電磁感應科學實驗學習套件箱設計開發 (2016.8.1~2018.7.31)
  15. 單一整合型-奈米綠色能源可攜式實驗模組課程推廣與高瞻創新課程媒合平台之建置(2/2) (2015.9.1~2016.7.31)
  16. 摻雜Ⅲ族元素氧化鋅於染料化太陽能電池之應用 (2015.8.1~2016.7.31)
  17. 單一整合型-奈米綠色能源可攜式實驗模組課程推廣與高瞻創新課程媒合平台之建置(1/2) (2014.10.1~2015.8.31)
  18. 電場輔助水熱法成長氧化鋅在染料敏化太陽能電池的應用研究 (2014.8.1~2015.7.31)
  19. 單一整合型計畫:奈米綠色能源融入高中理化課程之教學開發與評鑑(3/3)(第三年)(能源國家型科技人才培育計畫) (2013.9.1~2014.7.31)
  20. 單一整合型計畫:奈米綠色能源融入高中理化課程之教學開發與評鑑(1/3)(人才培育補助計畫) (2011.11.1~2012.9.30)
  21. 寬能隙半導體?米結構之特性研究 (2008.8.1~2009.7.31)
  •  教 育 部:
  1. 108學年度樂齡大學計畫(2019.8.27~2020.7.31)
  2. 107年度樂齡大學計畫(2018.8.1~2019.7.31)
  3. 105年度教育部補助能源科技課程教學模組與推廣計畫-染料敏化太陽能電池與系統課程教學模組與推廣計畫(2016.6.1~2018.1.31)
  4. 有機與染敏太陽能電池系列課程計畫 (2014.9.1~2017.1.31)
  5. 太陽能電池之基礎物理與實驗跨學門科學人才培育計畫 (2011.1.1~2011.12.31)
  6. 大學跨學門科學人才培育銜接計畫(子計劃)-智慧型太陽能電池追日系統之研製 (2011.1.1~2011.12.31)
  7. 太陽能電池之基礎物理與實驗跨學門科學人才培育計畫 (2010.1.1~2010.12.31)
  •  勞 動 部:
  1. 勞動部勞動力發展署技能檢定中心-112年度第2梯次全國檢定太陽光電設置職類乙級術科測試 (2023.9.11~2023.12.31)
  2. 112年度產業新尖兵試辦計畫-太陽光電設置技術士短期訓練班(第四期) (2023.6.1~2023.11.30)
  3. 勞動部勞動力發展署技能檢定中心-112年度第1梯次全國檢定太陽光電設置職類乙級術科測試 (2023.4.10~2023.7.31)
  4. 111年度產業新尖兵試辦計畫-「太陽光電設置技術士短期訓練班(第三期)」(2021.10.1~2022.11.30)
  5. 110年度產業新尖兵試辦計畫-太陽光電設置技術士暑期訓練班(2021.6.30~2021.8.12)
  6. 110年度產業新尖兵試辦計畫-太陽光電設置技術士短期訓練班第二期(2021.4.26~2021.7.24)
  7. 109年度產業新尖兵試辦計畫-太陽光電設置技術士短期訓練班 (2020.11.9~2021.1.7)
  •  產學合作:
  1. 太陽光電系統設置技術人才培育計畫(112年第三期) (2023.9.1~2024.4.30)
  2. 2023科學普及講座 (2023.8.1~2024.1.31)
  3. 太陽光電系統設置技術人才培育計畫(112年第二期) (2023.3.15~2023.11.30)
  4. 《第四期雲林縣及沿海鄉鎮科學宅急便》當Formosa遇上Formosa計畫(2023.2.1~2024.1.31)
  5. 太陽光電系統設置技術人才培育計畫(111年第五期) (2022.12.1~2023.7.31)
  6. 太陽光電系統設置技術人才培育計畫(111年第四期) (2022.10.1~2023.5.31)
  7. 太陽光電系統設置技術人才培育計畫(111年第二期) (2022.5.1~2023.12.31)
  8. 太陽光電系統設置技術人才培育計畫(111年第一期) (2022.3.1~2023.10.31)
  9. 太陽光電系統設置技術研發及人才培育計畫 (2021.11.20~2023.7.31)
  10. 達德守望輔導計畫 (2021.10.1~2022.9.30)
  11. 第三屆沿海鄉鎮科學宅急便 (2021.9.1~2022.8.31)
  12. 軸承振動損壞資訊蒐集與人工智慧分析系統 (2021.9.1~2025.7.31)
  13. 第二屆沿海鄉鎮科學宅急便 (2020.6.1~2021.5.31)
  14. ACS-CNC用靜電除油霧機之研發 (2014.11.1~2015.1.31)
  15. 新型飲用水設備加熱器自動量測分析平台開發 (2014.5.12~2014.10.11)
  16. 電磁感應發電機及應用開發 (2013.6.8~2013.10.31)
  17. 多功能霍爾效應自動量測系統 (2012.5.5~2012.10.4)
  18. 霍爾效應自動量測系統效能改善與新功能開發 (2011.7.1~2011.12.31)
  19. 溫度、濕度監測傳送器整合平台研製 (2011.7.1~2011.12.31)



  •  國內外期刊論文:
  1. Tian-Chiuan Wu, Wei-Ming Huang, Teen-Hang Meen and Jenn-Kai Tsai*

    Performance Improvement of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Pressed TiO2 Nanoparticles Layer(SCI)


  2. Wei-Ming Huang, Jenn-Kai Tsai*, Tian-Chiuan Wu, Teen-Hang Meen

    Improvement of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells by Using Compact and Pressed Layer of TiO2(EI)

    IEEE Xplore 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII) (2022)

  3. Yan-Feng Wang, Chiou-Cheng Chen, Jenn-Kai Tsai

    Implementation of Green Coffee Bean Quality Classification Using Slim-CNN in Edge Computing (EI)

    IEEE Xplore 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII) (2022)

  4. Kao-Wei Min, Ming-Ta Yu, Chi-Ting Ho, Pin-Ru Chen, Jenn-Kai Tsai, Tian-Chiuan Wu and Tung-Lung Wu*

    Application of doping graphene quantum dots and gold nanoparticles on dye-sensitized solar cells (SCI)

    Modern Physics Letters B(2022)

  5. Tung-Lung Wu, Jenn-Kai Tsai*, Ya-Zhu Song, Meng-Xiu Chen, Tian-Chiuan Wu, Kao-Wei Min, Ming-Ta Yu, and Chi-Ting Ho

    Influence of molar ratio of MAI and PbI2 on synthesis of perovskite film(SCI)

    Modern Physics Letters B(2022)

  6. Tang-Kai Chen, Li-Jung Liu, Yu-Chi Tsao, Jenn-Kai Tsai*, Tian-Chiuan Wu, Yu-Pin Luo, Teen-Hang Meen, and Chi-Ting Ho

    Application of Cesium Carbonate Modified Electron Transport Layer to Enhance Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells (EI)

    IEEE Xplore 2021 IEEE 3rd Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE) (2021)

  7. Meng-Xiu Chen, Hsun-Lin Chan, Tian-Chiuan Wu, Yu-Pin Luo, Teen-Hang Meen, Chi-Ting Ho, and Jenn-Kai Tsai*

    Exploring Influence of Photovoltaic Characteristics of Adding Different Anti-solvents on Perovskite Solar Cells (EI)

    IEEE Xplore 2021 IEEE 3rd Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE) (2021)

  8. Tze Pei Phan, Kien Yung Teo, Zhi-Qiang Liu, Jenn-Kai Tsai, Meng Guan Tay

    Application of unsymmetrical bis-chalcone compounds in dye sensitized solar cell(EI)

    Chemical Data Collections(2019)

  9. Tze Pei Phan, Kien Yung Teo, Zhi-Qiang Liu, Jenn-Kai Tsai, Meng Guan Tay

    Application of unsymmetrical bis-chalcone compounds in dye sensitized solar cell(EI)

    Chemical Data Collections(2019)

  10. Wen Dung Hsu, Jenn-Kai Tsai*, Jyun Yang Tang, Teen Hang Meen, and Tian Chiuan Wu

    Zinc-Oxide nanorods array fabricated by high temperature hydrothermal method applied to gas sensor(SCI)

    Microsystem Technologies(2018)

  11. Tung-Lung Wu, Teen-Hang Meen*, Shi-Mian Chao, Liang-Wen Ji, Li-Chi Shih, Chiung-Hsien Huang, Jenn-Kai Tsai, and Tien-Chuan Wu

    Application of ZnO micro rods on the composite photo-electrode of dye sensitized solar cells(SCI)

    Microsystem Technologies(2018)

  12. Jenn-Kai Tsai and Yu-Shin Tu

    Fabrication of Polymeric Antireflection Film Manufactured by Anodic Aluminum Oxide Template on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells(SCI)


  13. Ming Yang Shiu, Jenn-Kai Tsai*, Tung-Lung Wu, Teen-Hang Meen, Tian-Chiuan Wu, and Chi-Ting Ho

    Application of Gallium Doped Zinc Oxide in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells(EI)

    Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation(2017)

  14. Kien Yung Teo, Mee Hing Tiong, Hung Yee Wee, Nornadia Jasin, Zhi-Qiang Liu, Ming Yang Shiu, Jyun Yang Tang, Jenn-Kai Tsai, Rafizah Rahamathullah, Wan M. Khairul, Meng Guan Tay

    The influence of the push-pull effect and a π-conjugated system in conversion efficiency of bis-chalcone compounds in a dye sensitized solar cell(SCI)

    Journal of Molecular Structure(2017)

  15. Wen-Dung Hsu, Jenn-Kai Tsai*, Teen-Hang Meen, Tian-Chiuan Wu, Yan-Kuan He, and Yu-Da Lai

    Self-Etching-Induced Morphological Evolution of ZnO Microrods Grown on FTO Glass by Hydrothermal Method(SCI)

    Nanoscale Research Letters(2015)

  16. Jenn-Kai Tsai*, Teen-Hang Meen, Tian-ChiuanWu, Yu-Da Lai, Yan-Kuan He

    Morphology and optical properties of ZnO microrods grown by high-temperature hydrothermal method(SCI)

    Microelectronic Engineering(2015)

  17. S.M. Chao, T.H. Meen, L.C. Shih, T.Y. Chang, J.K. Tsai, T.C. Wu, T.L.Wu, L.W. Ji, C.J. Huang

    Effects of gold nanoparticles inlaid in the photo-electrode on the properties of dye-sensitized solar cells(SCI)

    Microelectronic Engineering(2015)

  18. Shuo-Ting You, Ikai Lo, Jenn-Kai Tsai, and Cheng-Hung Shih

    Epitaxial growth of M-plane GaN on ZnO micro-rods by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy(SCI)

    AIP Advance(2015)

  19. Teen Hang Meen, Jenn Kai Tsai*, Yu Shin Tu, Tian Chiuan Wu, Wen Dung Hsu and Shoou-Jinn Chang

    Optimization of the dye-sensitized solar cell performance by mechanical compression(SCI)

    Nanoscale Research Letters(2014)

  20. S. M. Chao, T. H. Meen, Y. T. Jhuo, J. K. Tsai, J. X. Wang, W. R. Chen, T. C. Wu, and C. J. Huang

    Fabrication of Flexible Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by Pressurization-Transfer Technique(EI)

    Applied Mechanics and Materials(2013)

  21. Chi-Chi Hou,Wei-An Chen, Chien-Han Huang, Teen-Hang Meen, Jenn-Kai Tsai, and Tian-Chiuan Wu

    Study of magnetic properties on magnetic nanostructures array with different pore distances(EI)

    Editorial of ICICE 2013 proceedings(2013)

  22. Shi-Mian Chao, Teen-Hang Meen,Yi-Ting Jhuo, Jenn-Kai Tsai & Tien-Chuan Wu, Kuang-Chyi Lee, Chi-Ting Ho, Liang-Wen Ji, Chien-Jung Huang

    Fabrication of open-end TiO2 nanotubes arrays on front-illuminated dye-sensitized solar cells(EI)

    Editorial of ICICE 2013 proceedings(2013)

  23. Wen Dung Hsu, Jenn-Kai Tsai, Tian-ChiuanWu, Jia-Song Zhou, Ji-Lin Li, Jian-Hao Liao, and Teen-Hang Meen

    Using Taguchi method for prepared gel electrolyte and applied in the dye-sensitized solar cells(EI)

    Editorial of ICICE 2013 proceedings(2013)

  24. J.-K. Tsai, W. D. Hsu, T. C. Wu, T. H. Meen, and W. J. Chong

    Effect of compressed TiO2 nanoparticle thin film thickness on the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells(SCI)

    Nanoscale Research Letters(2013)

  25. L.-W. Ji, Y.-J. Hsiao, I-T. Tang, T.-H. Meen, C.-H. Liu, J.-K. Tsai, T.-C. Wu, and Y.-S. Wu

    Annealing effect and photovoltaic properties of nano-ZnS/textured p-Si heterojunction(SCI)

    Nanoscale Research Letters(2013)

  26. T.-H. Meen, J.-K. Tsai, S.-M. Chao, Y.-C. Lin, T.-C. Wu, T.-Y. Chang, L.-W. Ji, W. Water, W.-R. Chen, I-T. Tang, and C.-J. Huang

    Surface plasma resonant effect of gold nanoparticles on the photoelectrodes of dye-sensitized solar cells(SCI)

    Nanoscale Research Letters(2013)

  27. J.-K. Tsai, W.-D. Hsu, T. C. Wu, T.-H. Meen, J.-S. Zhou, J.-L. Li, and J.-H. Liao

    Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Optimal Gel Electrolyte Using the Taguchi Design Method(SCI)

    International Journal of Photoenergy(2013)

  28. Y. J. Hsiao, T. H. Meen, L. W. Ji, J. K. Tsai, Y. S. Wu, and C. J. Huang

    Preparation of ZnS microdisks using chemical bath deposition and ZnS/p-Si heterojunction solar cells(SCI)

    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids(2013)

  29. L. W. Ji, W. Water, Y. J. Hsiao, J. K. Tsai, K. T. Lam, T. H. Meen, Y. F. Chen, and W. S. Shih

    TiO2-Based Ultraviolet Photodetectors(SCI)

    Integrated Ferroelectrics(2013)

  30. J. K. Tsai, B. H. Yeh, T. H. Meen, and T. C. Wu

    Temperature-Dependent Tunneling Current in NiSi2 Nanocrystals Embedded in Metal-Oxide- Semiconductor Structure(SCI)

    Integrated Ferroelectrics(2013)

  31. C. H. Huang, J. L. Wang, J. K. Tsai, T. H. Meen, and T. C. Wu

    Magnetic property of large-area magnetic nanostructure with antidot array on AAO template(EI)

    Applied Mechanics and Materials(2013)

  32. T. H. Meen, S. M. Chao, J. H. Fan, J. K. Tsai, J. H. Hong, L. W. Ji, T. C. Wu, and C. J. Huan

    Fabrication of Flexible Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Double Sensitized Layers(EI)

    Applied Mechanics and Materials(2013)

  33. T.-H. Meen, Y.-C. Lin, S.-M. Chao, J.-K. Tsai, T.-C. Wu, K.-H. Wu, W.-R. Chen, W. Water, L.-W. Ji, and C.-J. Huang

    Effects of different shaped gold nanoparticles on the photoelectrode of dye-sensitized solar cells(EI)

    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems(2012)

  34. T.-H. Meen, Y.-T. Jhuo, S.-M. Chao, N.-Y. Lin, L.-W. Ji, J.-K. Tsai, T.-C. Wu, W.-R. Chen, W. Water, and C.-J. Huang

    Effect of TiO2 nanotubes with TiCl4 treatment on the photoelectrode of dye-sensitized solar cells(SCI)

    Nanoscale Research Letters(2012)

  35. J.-K. Tsai, J.-H. Shih, T.-C. Wu, and T.-H. Meen

    n-ZnO nanorods/p+-Si (111) heterojunction light emitting diodes(SCI)

    Nanoscale Research Letters(2012)

  36. Y.-J. Hsiao, Y.-L. Chai, L.-W. Ji*, T.-H. Fang, T.-H. Meen*, J.-K. Tsai, K.-L. Chen, and S. D. Prior

    Optical Characteristics of LiZnVO4 Green Phosphor at Low Temperature Preparation(SCI)

    Materials Letters(2011)

  37. J.-K. Tsai, T. L. Wu, S. M. Chao, K. T. Lam, T. H. Meen, C. J. Huang, and W. R. Chen

    Fabrication of FePt@Au nanoparticles by reverse micelle method(SCI)


  38. T. H. Meen, C. J. Huang, S. M. Chao, J. K. Tsai, W. Water, W. R. Chen, and L. W. Ji

    Applications of Vertically Oriented TiO2 Micro-Pillars Array on the Electrode of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell”, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids(SCI)

    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids(2011)

  39. J. K. Tsai

    The Silica-Coated Gold Nanoparticles Encapsulation of Plastic Polymer Light-Emitting Devices(EI)

    Electrochemical Society Transactions(2009)

  40. J. K. Tsai



  41. J. K. Tsai

    Self-assembled GaN nano-crystals on γ-LiAlO2 by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy 2(其他)

    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology(2008)

  42. J. K. Tsai

    Spin-splitting in an AlGaN/GaN nanowire for a quantum-ring interferometer(SCI)

    Applied Physics Letters(2008)

  43. J. K. Tsai

    Self-assembled GaN nano-crystals on γ-LiAlO2 by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy(SCI)

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics(2008)

  44. J. K. Tsai

    "Line defects of M-plane GaN grown onγ-LiAlO2 by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy(SCI)

    Applied Physics Letters(2008)

  •  國內外研討會論文
  1. Dye-sensitized solar cells with different structures prepared bydoping silver nanoparticles by screen printing

    6th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2023 (20238JPN日本)

  2. Assist students in the field of physical electricity with multi-functional electrostatic and high voltage experiment kits

    6th Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2023 (2023 SGP新加坡)

  3. Spin-coating of graphene oxide as counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells in various dispersing solvents

    2022 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2022) (2022TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  4. Implementation of Green Coffee Bean Quality Classification Using Slim-CNN in Edge Computing

    IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2022 (ICKII 2022) (2022TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  5. Performance improvement of dye-sensitized solar cells by using TiO2 compact layer and compressed TiO2 layer

    IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2022 (ICKII 2022) (2022TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  6. Exploring the influence of the photovoltaic characteristics of adding different anti-solvents on perovskite solar cells

    2021 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2021) (2021TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  7. Application of cesium carbonate modified electron transport layer to enhance the performance of perovskite solar cells

    2021 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2021) (2021TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  8. Study on the influence of MAPbI3 synthesis temperature on the perovskite solar cell

    2020 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2020) (2020TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  9. Study on the influence of the molar ratio of CH3NH3I on the perovskite film

    2nd IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability 2020 (IEEE ECBIOS 2020) (2020TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  10. Communication technology basic scientific experiment learning kit

    3rd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation (2020 Vietnam 越南)

  11. Preparation of mesoporous titanium dioxide nanoparticles layer for perovskite solar cells by electrophoretic deposition

    2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2019) (2019TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  12. Flipped Classroom of Science Instruction Module- Development and Effectiveness Evaluation of Literacy Orientation and Cross Field Curriculum Module in Vibration of Paper Cup Speaker

    2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2019(2019SGP新加坡;星加坡)

  13. Application of mechanical pressurization to control pores in mesoporous TiO2 layer to enhance the efficiency of perovskite solar cells

    2018 International Conference on Applied System Innovation(2018JPN日本)

  14. Solutions with different concentration of ZnO prepared by Hydrothermal growth of pattern micrometer columns for DSSC

    2017 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering(2017CHN中國人民共和國(只含中國大陸))

  15. Application of Gallium Doped Zinc Oxide in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells

    2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation(2017JPN日本)

  16. Study on Zinc-Oxide nanorods gas sensor fabricated by different temperature hydrothermal method

    2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation(2017JPN日本)

  17. Gas sensor fabricated by Zinc-Oxide nanorods with high temperature hydrothermal

    中華民國物理學會 2017 年會(2017TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  18. Low-cost fabrication of anti-reflection film with sub-wavelength structures

    2016 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering(2016CHN中國人民共和國(只含中國大陸))

  19. Polymer Antireflection Film on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

    2016 Collaborative Conference on 3D & Materials Research(2016KOR南韓)

  20. Synthesis of ZnO Nanorod on Glass Substrate by High Temperature Hydrothermal Method and Applied on the Photodetector

    2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation(2016JPN日本)

  21. Synthesis of ZnO Nanorod on Glass Substrate by High Temperature Hydrothermal Method and Applied on the Photodetector

    中華民國物理學會 2016 年會(2016TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  22. Synthesis of ZnO Nanorod on Glass Substrate by High Temperature Hydrothermal Method and Applied on the Photodetector

    中華民國物理學會 2016 年會(2016TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  23. Fabrication of polymer anti-reflection film on dye-sensitized solar cell

    2015 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering(2015CHN中國人民共和國(只含中國大陸))

  24. Growth of ZnO micropencils on the on the functionalized fluorine-doped tin oxide glass by a conventional hydrothermal method

    2015 Collaborative Conference on 3D & Materials Research(2015KOR南韓)

  25. Application of open-end TiO2 nanotubes arrays on Dye-sensitized solar cells

    2015 Collaborative Conference on 3D & Materials Research(2015KOR南韓)

  26. Epitaxial growth of GaN on ZnO micro-rod by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy

    2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovatio(2015JPN日本)

  27. High-temperature hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO and its characteristic

    2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation(2015JPN日本)

  28. Effects of the Gold Nanoparticles Inlaid in the Photoelectrode on the Properties of Dye sensitized Solar Cells

    2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation(2015JPN日本)

  29. Growth of ZnO microrods and ZnO micropencils on fluorine-doped tin oxide in aqueous solution: growth mechanism and structural and optical properties

    中華民國物理學會 2015 年會(2015TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  30. High-temperature hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO morphology and size the optical properties

    中華民國物理學會 2015 年會(2015TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  31. Study on the influence of electrolyte concentration on the dye-sensitized solar cells performance and long-term stability using Taguchi method

    2014 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2014)(2014CHN中國人民共和國(只含中國大陸))

  32. Mechanical compression effect on the dye-sensitized solar cells

    Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR) 2014(2014KOR南韓)

  33. Study of magnetic properties on magnetic nanostructures array with different pore distances

    2013 International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering(2013CHN中國人民共和國(只含中國大陸))

  34. Fabrication of open-end TiO2 nanotubes arrays on front-illuminated dye-sensitized solar cells

    2013 International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering(2013CHN中國人民共和國(只含中國大陸))

  35. Using Taguchi method for prepared gel electrolyte and applied in the dye-sensitized solar cells

    2013 International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering(2013CHN中國人民共和國(只含中國大陸))

  36. The effect of TiO2 thin films thickness on the dye-sensitized solar cells

    2013 Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR)(2013KOR南韓)

  37. Surface plasma resonant effect of gold nanoparticles on the photoelectrode of dye-sensitized solar cells

    2013 Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR)(2013KOR南韓)

  38. Annealing effect and photovoltaic properties of ZnS/ textured p-Si hetero junction

    2013 Collaborative Conference on Materials Research(2013KOR南韓)

  39. The effect of TiO2 thin films thickness on the dye-sensitized solar cells

    2013 11th Conference on Microelectronics Technology & Applications(2013TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  40. Magnetic property of large-area magnetic nanostructure with antidot array on AAO template

    2012 International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering(2012CHN中國人民共和國(只含中國大陸))

  41. Fabrication of Flexible Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by Pressurization-Transfer Technique

    2012 International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering(2012CHN中國人民共和國(只含中國大陸))

  42. Fabrication of Flexible Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Double Sensitized Layers

    2012 International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering(2012CHN中國人民共和國(只含中國大陸))

  43. TiO2-Based Ultraviolet Photodetectors

    2012 International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering(2012CHN中國人民共和國(只含中國大陸))

  44. NiSi2 nanocrystals embedded in metal-oxide-semiconductor structure

    2012 International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering(2012CHN中國人民共和國(只含中國大陸))

  45. n-ZnO nanorods/p+-Si (111) heterojunction light emitting diodes

    2012 Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR)(2012KOR南韓)

  46. Applications of compression TiO2 nanoparticles thin films on dye-sensitized solar cells

    中華民國物理學會 2012 年會(2012TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  47. Characteristics of n-ZnO rods/p+-Si (111) heterojunction

    中華民國物理學會 2012 年會(2012TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  48. n-ZnO nanorods/p+-Si (111) heterojunction light emitting diodes

    International Photonics Conference 2011(2011TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  49. Fabrication of flexible TiO2 dye-sensitized solar cell with double sensitized layers

    International Photonics Conference 2011(2011TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  50. Applications of nanocrystalline TiO2 thin films prepared by doctor blading method and compression process on dye-sensitized solar cells

    International Photonics Conference 2011(2011TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  51. Effect of TiCl4 treatment on the photoelectrode of TiO2 nanotubes for dye sensitized solar cells

    2011年中國材料科學學會年會(2011TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  52. Improving the efficiency of dye sensitized solar cell by TiO2 nanoparticles and ZnO microrods composite photoanode

    7th Overseas Chinese Physics Association(2011TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  53. Characterization of nanocrystalline TiO2 film prepared by electrophoretic deposition with TiCl4-treated for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

    Nanotechnology and Printed Electronics International Symposium 2011(2011SGP新加坡;星加坡)

  54. Effect of nanocrystalline TiO2 scattering layer on the photoelectrode of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

    2011 IEEE International NanoElectronics Conference on Emerging Medical and Green Nanotechnology(2011TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  55. Manufacture and characterization of the single ZnO nanorod field-effect transistor

    2011 IEEE International Nano Electronics Conference on Emerging Medical and Green Nanotechnology(2011TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  56. Effect of hybrid nanocrystalline TiO2/Au film on the photoelectrode of dye-sensitized solar cell

    2011 IEEE International NanoElectronics Conference on Emerging Medical and Green Nanotechnology(2011TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  57. A study of ZnO nanowires grown by electric field assisted hydrothermal growth process

    2011 IEEE International NanoElectronics Conference on Emerging Medical and Green Nanotechnology(2011TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  58. Characteristics of Photodetectors with TiO2 Nanorod Arrays

    2011 IEEE International Nano Electronics Conference on Emerging Medical and Green Nanotechnology(2011TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  59. Nanoparticle-nanorod composite photo-electrode for dye-sensitized Solar cells

    中華民國物理學會 2011 年會(2011TWN中華民國 臺灣)

  60. 電泳沉積法製備二氧化鈦散射層應用於染料敏化太陽能電池之研究


  61. 利用電泳沉積法與機械壓縮技術應用於可撓式染料敏化太陽能電池


  62. Applications of nanocrystalline TiO2 thin films and scattering layer prepared by Electrophoretic Deposition on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

    2011 International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan(2010)

  63. Applications of hybrid nanocrystalline TiO2/Au films prepared by electrophoretic deposition on dye-sensitized solar cell

    2011 International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan(2010)

  64. Manufacture and characterization of n-ZnO nanorods/p+-Si heterojunction light emitting diodes

    2010 International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan(2010)

  65. 利用陽極處理製備二氧化鈦奈米管陣列應用於背照光式染料敏化太陽能電池之研究


  66. 利用溶膠凝膠法製備銀/二氧化矽核殼奈米粒子及其抗菌應用之研究


  67. 利用電泳法製備二氧化鈦/奈米複合膜應用於染料敏化太陽能電池


  68. Fabrication of FePt@Au nanoparticles by reverse micelle metho

    19th International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics and 10th European Conference on the Applications of Polar Dielectrics (ISAF-ECAPD) 2010(2010)

  69. Characteristic of Al-doped ZnO nanorods by a hydrothermal process

    "The Sixth China(2009)

  70. "The Core@Shell Nanoparticles Encapsulation of Plastic Polymer Light-Emitting

    215th Electrochemical Society Meeting(2009)

  71. 利用電泳沉積法製備奈米二氧化鈦薄膜應用於可撓式染料敏化太陽能電池

    2008 台灣鍍膜科技協會年會(2008)

  72. Fabrication and characterization aligned ZnO nanorods array on the functionalized Si substrate

    International Electron(2008)

  73. 氧化鋅微米柱應用於染料敏化太陽能電池之研究

    中國材料科學學會 2008 年會(2008)

  74. "Application of Nano-structured TiO2 Thin Film Deposited by Electrophoretic

    2nd International Congress on Ceramics(2008)

  75. AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor grown on GaN template substrate by molecule beam epitaxy system

    "Annual American Physical Society(2008)

  76. Study of the 2DEG in InGaAs/AlInAs heterostructures by persistent photoconductivity Effect

    "Annual American Physical Society(2008)

  77. Magneto-transport Study on the nanometer-scaled wires made of AlxGa1?xN/GaN Heterostructures

    "Annual American Physical Society(2008)

  78. Study of temperature-dependent magneto-resistance for 2DEG in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures

    中華民國物理學會 2008 年會(2008)

  79. Fabrication of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor with AlGaN/GaN nanowire by focus ion beam process

    中華民國物理學會 2008 年會(2008)

  80. AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor grown on GaN template substrate by molecule beam epitaxy system

    中華民國物理學會 2008 年會(2008)

  81. 封裝製程對染料敏化太陽能電池的影響

    中華民國物理學會 2008 年會(2008)



  •  獲頒獎項與榮譽:
  1. 國立虎尾科技大學

    2023全國大專暨高中職學生專題製作競賽 優等獎(2023)

  2. International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention

    2023綠點子發明暨設計競賽 鈦金牌獎(2023)

  3. International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention

    2023綠點子發明暨設計競賽 金牌獎(2023)


    2022 EURO INVENT 14EDITION European Exhibition OF Creativity And Innovation special award (2022)


    2022 EURO INVENT 14EDITION European Exhibition OF Creativity And Innovation golden medal (2022)

  6. International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention

    2021綠點子發明暨設計競賽 鈦金牌獎(2021)

  7. International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention

    2021綠點子發明暨設計競賽 金牌獎(2021)

  8. International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention

    2021綠點子發明暨設計競賽 金牌獎(2021)

  9. International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention

    2019綠點子發明暨設計競賽 銀牌獎(2019)

  10. International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention

    2019綠點子發明暨設計競賽 銀牌獎(2019)

  11. Korea Invention Promotion Association

    2019韓國首爾國際發明展 銅牌獎(2019)

  12. Korea Invention Promotion Association

    2019韓國首爾國際發明展 銅牌獎(2019)

  13. International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention

    2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering, Best Conference Paper Award (2019)

  14. Korea Invention Promotion Association

    2018韓國首爾國際發明展 銀牌獎(2018)

  15. Korea Invention Promotion Association

    2018韓國首爾國際發明展 銀牌獎(2018)

  16. 臺灣知識創新學會

    2018台灣國際發明暨設計競賽 銅牌(2018)

  17. 臺灣知識創新學會

    2018台灣國際發明暨設計競賽 銅牌(2018)

  18. 臺灣知識創新學會

    2018台灣國際發明暨設計競賽 銅牌(2018)

  19. International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention

    2018 International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Best Conference Paper Award, Best Conference Paper Award(2018)

  20. Korea Invention Promotion Association

    2017韓國首爾國際發明展 銀牌獎(2017)

  21. Korea Invention Promotion Association

    2017韓國首爾國際發明展 銀牌獎(2017)

  22. Korea Invention Promotion Association

    2016韓國首爾國際發明展 銅牌獎(2016)

  23. Korea Invention Promotion Association

    2016韓國首爾國際發明展 金牌獎(2016)

  24. 臺灣知識創新學會

    2016台灣國際發明暨設計競賽 銀牌(2016)

  25. Taiwanese Institute of Knowledge Innovation

    2016 The Fifth International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering, First Prize paper award(2016)

  26. 科技部

    高瞻嘉年華活動 優良大學團隊獎(2015)

  27. Korea Invention Promotion Association

    2015韓國首爾國際發明展 銅牌獎(2015)

  28. Korea Invention Promotion Association

    2015韓國首爾國際發明展 銀牌獎(2015)

  29. 台北國際發明暨技術交易展

    2015年台北國際發明暨技術交易展 銀牌獎(2015)

  30. 元智大學

    2015全國大專院校學生儲能科技創意海報徵選競賽 金質獎(2015)

  31. 臺灣知識創新學會

    2015台灣國際發明暨設計競賽 銀牌(2015)

  32. Taiwanese Institute of Knowledge Innovation

    2015 The Forth International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering, First Prize paper award(2015)

  33. Taiwanese Institute of Knowledge Innovation

    2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Best Conference Paper Award(2015)

  34. Korea Invention Promotion Association

    2014韓國首爾國際發明展 金牌獎(2014)

  35. Korea Invention Promotion Association

    2014韓國首爾國際發明展 金牌獎(2014)

  36. 全研科技有限公司

    2014第四屆全研科技論文獎 優良創意作品獎(2014)

  37. Taiwanese Institute of Knowledge Innovation

    2014 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering, Best Conference Paper Award(2014)

  38. 臺灣知識創新學會

    2014 金門國際創新發明暨設計競賽 金牌獎(2014)

  39. 臺灣知識創新學會

    2014 金門國際創新發明暨設計競賽 金牌獎(2014)

  40. 臺灣知識創新學會

    2014 金門國際創新發明暨設計競賽 銅牌獎 (2014)

  41. 國立高雄應用科技大學

    2013台灣創新發明競賽 三面銀牌(2013)

  42. Taiwanese Institute of Knowledge Innovation

    2013 The Second International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering, First Prize Paper Award(2013)

  43. 全研科技有限公司

    2013全研科技論文獎 大專組優良創意作品獎(2013)

  44. 國立中央大學

    102年度半導體光電製程設備零組件與系統設計專題競賽獲獎 第三名(2013)

  45. 國科會

    2013年高瞻夢起飛 全國高中職創作競賽 複賽 (第二名)(2013)

  46. 國立虎尾科技大學


  47. 國立虎尾科技大學

    2013微電子技術發展與應用研討會 傑出論文獎(2013)

  48. Taiwanese Institute of Knowledge Innovation

    2012 The First International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering, First Prize Paper Award(2012)

  49. 國科會

    國科會高瞻成果嘉年華 創意教具獎 優選(2012)

  •  指導學生參與競賽:
  1. 98年度微元件技術與應用學生實務專題競賽(虎尾科技大學)


  2. 台灣創新發明競賽(台灣創新發明學會)


  3. 全研科技論文獎(全研科技有限公司)


  4. 半導體光電製程設備零組件與系統設計專題競賽(中央大學)


  5. 高瞻夢起飛 全國高中職創作競賽(行政院國家科學委員會)


  6. 國科會高瞻成果嘉年華(行政院國家科學委員會)

    指導學生榮獲創意教具獎 優選

  7. 教育部補助技專校院建立特色典範計畫(虎尾科技大學)


  8. 微電子技術發展與應用研討會(高雄海洋科技大學)


  9. 2014第四屆全研科技論文獎(全研科技有限公司)


  10. 2014韓國首爾國際發明展(Korea Invention Promotion Association)


  11. 2014 金門國際創新發明暨設計競賽(臺灣知識創新學會)


  12. 2014 金門國際創新發明暨設計競賽(臺灣知識創新學會)


  13. 2014 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering(Taiwanese Institute of Knowledge Innovation)

    指導學生榮獲Best Conference Paper Award(2014)

  14. 2013 The Second International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering(Taiwanese Institute of Knowledge Innovation)

    指導學生榮獲First Prize Paper Award(2013)

  15. 2012 The First International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering(Taiwanese Institute of Knowledge Innovation)

    指導學生榮獲First Prize Paper Award(2012)

  16. 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation(Taiwanese Institute of Knowledge Innovation)

    指導學生榮獲Best Conference Paper Award(2015)

  17. 2015台灣國際發明暨設計競賽(臺灣知識創新學會)


  18. 2015全國大專院校學生儲能科技創意海報徵選競賽(元智大學)


  19. 2015年台北國際發明暨技術交易展(中華民國對外貿易發展協會)


  20. 2015 Seoul international Invention Fair(Korea Invention Promotion Association)


  21. 2015 Seoul international Invention Fair(Korea Invention Promotion Association)


  22. 104高瞻嘉年華活動(科技部)


  •  專利:
  1. (發明專利)多功能指示件


  2. (發明專利)二進制與原子序轉換訓練系統及教具


  3. (發明專利)具有顏色效果改變的裝置


  4. (發明專利)太陽能聚集教具組


  5. (發明專利)空氣清淨裝置


  6. (發明專利)電磁感應教具組


  7. (發明專利)次波長結構抗反射薄膜、其製造方法及具有次波長結構抗反射薄膜的染料敏化太陽能電池


  8. (發明專利)太陽能聚集教具組


  9. (發明專利)電磁感應教具組


  10. (發明專利)陽極氧化鋁模板及其製造方法


  11. (發明專利)太陽能板特性檢測設備


  12. (發明專利)空氣清淨裝置


  13. (發明專利)射光點軌跡判斷與控制方法及其應用


  14. (發明專利)具衛星定位訊號讀取功能之第三煞車燈


  15. (新型專利)雷射光點軌跡判斷與控制裝置


  16. (發明專利)一種干涉儀測量薄膜厚度之方法


  17. (新型專利)霍爾效應量測裝置


  •  技術移轉:
  1. 靜電與高壓電實驗套件箱 (2023)
  2. 光動能電動機 (2023)
  3. 手作小型發電機(2023)
  4. 電磁感應科學實驗學習套件箱 (2018)/span>
  5. 電磁感應發電機 (2016)
  •  專書:
  1. 物理實驗 第12版(978-986-430-942-9)


  2. 物理實驗 第11版(978-986-430-750-0)


  3. 普通物理學(下) 第4版(978-986-378-266-7)


  4. 普通物理學(上) 第4版(978-986-378-265-0)


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