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杜永枰助理教授(Yung-Ping Tu)



  •  職    稱:助理教授
  •  最高學歷:國立臺灣科技大學 電子研究所系統組博士
  •  聯絡電話:05-63105-6315959
  •  傳真電話:05-6315643



  •  現    職:國立虎尾科技大學 電子工程系 助理教授 (2017/02~迄今)
  •  經    歷:國立虎尾科技大學 電子系 兼任助理教授 (2012/08~2017/02)

私立朝陽科技大學 資通系 兼任助理教授 (2012/02~2017/02)

私立弘光科技大學 資管系 兼任助理教授 (2012/08~2014.02)

私立朝陽科技大學 創新育成中心講師 (2000/07~2000/12)

經濟部中小企業榮譽指導員 (2000/12~2003/12)

國立勤益科大 電子系 兼任講師及創新育成中心講師 (1997/02~2000/02)

中山科學研究院 (1992/10~2011/04)



  •  專長 :無線及通訊系統理論、數位訊號處理
  •  學術研究 :無線通訊接收器、調適訊號處理、統計訊號處理、行動通訊研究、軟式運算、正交分頻多工技術、空-時編碼、多天線發射接收、物聯網及無線感測之功率控制研究



  •  國際期刊論文:
  1. Y.-P. Tu, W.-H. Fang and H.-Y. Lu, “Efficient Groupwise Multiuser Detection with Iterative Soft Interference Cancellation for Multi-Rate MCCDMA,” Computer Communications, vol. 32, issue 3, pp. 482-491, 25 Feb. 2009. SCI.
  2. Y.-P. Tu, W.-H. Fang and Y.-T. Chen, “A Two-Stage Receiver With Soft Interference Cancellation for Space-Time Block Code and Spatial Multiplexing Combined Systems,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Jul. 2010. SCI.
  3. Y.-P. Tu, H.-Y. Lu and W.-H. Fang, “Alternating Multiuser Detection With Soft Interference Cancellation for Heterogeneous-Signaling MIMO CDMA Systems,”Wireless Personal Communications, DOI 10.1007/s11277-011-0412-6. Vol.67, pp. 811-828, 2012. SCI.
  4. Y.-H. Liu, S.-J. Chang, L.-T. Lai, Y.-P. Tu, S.-J. Young, “Aluminum-doped zinc oxide nanorods and methyl alcohol gas sensor application. ” Microsystem Technologies Accepted: 18 April 2020 . . SCI. 
  5. Y.-P. Tu, C.-Y. Chen, K.-H. Lin, “An Efficient Two-Stage Receiver Base on AOR Iterative Algorithm and Chebyshev Acceleration for Uplink Multiuser Massive-MIMO OFDM Systems. ” Electronics 2022, 11, 92. . SCI. 2079-9292)
  6. Y.-P. Tu, Chiao-Che Chang, “A Novel Low Complexity Two-Stage Tone Reservation Scheme for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems. ” Sensors 2023, 23, 950. SCI.
  7. Y.-P. Tu, Pei-Shen Jian and Yung-Fa Huang, “Novel Hybrid SOR- and AOR-Based Multi-User Detection for Uplink M-MIMO B5G Systems. ” Electronics 2024, 13, 187.( Section: Networks, Special Issue: Advanced Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications, Challenges and Research Trends) SCI.
  8. Y.-P. Tu, Zi-Teng Zhan and Yung-Fa Huang, “A Novel Alternating μ-law Companding Algorithm for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems. ” Electronics 2024, 13, 694. ( Topic: Electronic Communications, IOT and Big Data) SCI.
  •  國際會議論文:
  1. Y.-P. Tu,W.-H. Fang, H.-Y. Lu and Y.-T. Chen, “Iterative Multiuser Detection With Soft Interference Cancellation for Multirate MC-CDMA Systems,”in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf., pp. 708-712, Singapore, 2008 Spring.
  2. H.-Y. Lu, Y.-P. Tu,W.-H. Fang and K.-C. Huang, “A Low Complexity Iterative Groupwise Soft Multiuser Detection for Multirate MC-CDMA,” in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing 4th International Conf., pp. 1-5, Dalian, China, Oct. 2008.
  3. Y.-P. Tu,W.-H. Fang and H.-Y. Lu, “Alternating Multiuser Detection With Iterative Soft Interference Cancellation for Highly Loaded Dual-Signaling MIMO CDMA Systems,” in Proc. IEEE 20th International Symposium On Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Conf., pp. 2444-2448 ,Tokyo, Japan, 2009.
  4. Y.-P. Tu, W.-H. Fang, T.-Y. Tsai, and Y.-T. Chen, “A Two-Stage Receiver With Soft Interference Cancellation for Space-Time Block Code and Spatial Multiplexing Combined Systems,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf., pp. 1-5 ,Taipei, Taiwan, 2010 Spring.
  5. S.-J Young and Y. -P. Tu ,“Ultraviolet Photodetectors with one-dimensional Mg-doped ZnO Nanostructures,” International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering., Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, P. R. China, November 09-14, 2018
  6. Y.-P. Tu,Feng-Hsu Wu, and Yung-Fa Huang, “A Novel Turbo Scheme Combining PTS with Adaptive TR for PAPR Reduction in OFDM systems,” IEEE 5th International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control(IS3C) Conf., pp. 122-125 ,Taichung, Taiwan, 2020.
  7. Y.-P. Tu,Chih-Yung Chen, and Kuang-Hao Lin, “A Novel Two-Stage Receiver Base on AOR Iterative Algorithm and Chebyshev Acceleration for Uplink Multiuser Massive-MIMO OFDM Systems,” IEEE 3rd IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE) Conf., Yunlin, Taiwan, 2021.
  8. Y.-P. Tu,and C.-C Chang, “A Novel Low Complexity Tone Reservation Scheme for PAPR Reduction in OFDM System,” IEEE 4th IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE) Conf., Yunlin, Taiwan, 2022.
  9. Y.-P. TuPei-Shen Jian and Guan-Hong Liu, “A Novel Detector Based on SOR and AOR Mixed Algorithm for UL MU M-MIMO OFDM Systems,” IEEE 5th IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE) Conf., Yunlin, Taiwan, 2023.
  10. Y.-P. TuZi-Teng Zhan and Chen-Wei Hsu, “A Novel PAPR Reduction Scheme Based on μ-law Companding Algorithm in OFDM Systems,” IEEE 5th IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE) Conf., Yunlin, Taiwan, 2023.
  •  國內會議論文:
  1. 李冠縉、塗景琛、黃思舜、林尚賢、杜永枰、林光浩, “應用於無人搬運車之霍爾感測模組,” 2018 Conference on Applications of Innovation and Invention,Taichung, Taiwan。
  2. 林光浩、李冠縉、塗景琛、杜永枰, “基於SSD 影像辨識之行車安全輔助系統,” 2019 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies,高雄。
  3. 杜永枰、張喬喆、楊宇晨、張武翔、林光浩, “利用指紋辨識及穿戴裝置於防疫醫院之智能應用,” 2021 The 15th Intelligent Living Technology(ILT) Conference,Taichung, Taiwan。
  4. 杜永枰、王宥鈞、陳永勳、陳禹丞, “利用深度學習於車輛輔助駕駛之車道及路牌號誌辨識,” 2021 The 15th Intelligent Living Technology(ILT) Conference,Taichung, Taiwan。
  5. 杜永枰、劉冠宏、詹子騰、趙祐陞、張喬喆, “運用物聯網技術於智慧型社區之防災監控即時通報系統,” 2022 The Artificial Intelligence Technology and Application (AITA) Conference,Taichung, Taiwan。
  6. 杜永枰、許正威、簡沛紳、洪敏夫、施柏暉、張喬喆, “運用無線感測技術於精進圖書館之智能防疫管理系統,” 2022 The Artificial Intelligence Technology and Application (AITA) Conference,Taichung, Taiwan。



  •  指導學生參與競賽:
  1. 2019國際創新發明暨設計競賽(台灣新知創新協會),“即時多點動態定位導航暨車牌辨識於停車場智能應用”,指導學生榮獲銀牌獎(2019)
  2. 2019國際創新發明暨設計競賽(台灣新知創新協會),”人臉辨識應用於之旅館安全機制及管理系統”,指導學生榮獲銅牌獎(2019)
  3. 2020全國大專及高中職專題競賽,”利用指紋辨識與穿戴裝置於防疫醫院之智能應用”,指導學生榮獲第三名
  4. 2021全國大專及高中職專題競賽,”透過App運用物聯網技術於智慧型社區之防災監控即時通報系統”,指導學生榮獲佳作
  5. 2023協助本校至國立公共資訊圖書館辦理,”技職超進化-智慧生活主題展”參展,” 革舊圖新-運用無線感測技術於精進圖書館之智能防疫管理系統”
  6. 2023全國大專及高中職專題競賽,“利用物聯網及雲端資料庫於遠距醫療之應用”,指導學生榮獲第二名(銀牌獎)
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